Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A New Season Born of a Blasphemous Reality

Utter blasphemy to the maker of this rhapsody.
And who's the blasphemer? Me thats 'oo...
As she revamps the past posts it yearns for her to get her soul in check.
For she was in the wrong, all the while tryna point the finger at other's for her disheartening
and mournful song.
She wants to run away from the disobedience she has made her self suffer
To another country new people new others.
Only reason is cause she is ashamed ashamed at her disobedience for she is the one to blame
It has been years on this conquest blessings pured left and right
all to herlp her see that her soul chasing was right.

Yet she failed to follow what could been killam sight cause of the lustful passion
that she allowed to consume her might.
The Problem: the Flesh
The Solution: Yahshua

She turns to the right, looks to the left and all she can she is pain, no happiness.
the dreams. i hate the dreams.i want to run away from all the dreams
that dont depict what i want to see. away from all the peoplw with whom i dont want to be.
So i guess not only silence is the answer, but so is isolation.
Fuck --Shket B'rikasha

Orange Game of Player Hopper

The detail sof this man0made created ambience. A sweet symphony of pain rings aloud in the vortex of a previously socially conditioned mind slightly tainted with love's foolish game and stained with disheartening orange and purple confusion.

The people, don't help. For deception just rings louder and louder. Here comes one of the players, let's see what he has to say?

He pulls up a chair and begins the manipulation.
I have two hours or i have to leave.
because she has stepped out of the property. i really dont care. im at a lost for words.
Their game got the best of me and now i have to leave because of these foolish manipulations, oh well. i really just dont care anymore. its like and these are the cards im dealt.

Or maybe the ones ive chosen.