Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Security....please come get her

How bananas is this....the first time in a long time that I want to go to church and I get the police called on me!

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him,”- Philippians 1:29

A "NO PETS" sign is needed at every temple of worship.

Ok Ok so I brought a dog this time. But he is fully trained. I went to an isolated area and as Im worshipping I get painful nudges on my left arm....EXCUSE ME MISS....this is a place for saving souls! The fact that I have a soul wasnt even taken into account. I was mistreated. No my soul was mistreated. I was in spiritual torment at the time and they didn't take the time to even care for my soul. All they cared about was their man-made rules about animals and electronic devices. Yeshua says, "These people's worship of me is useless....they teach man made rules as if they were doctrines." No one asked me what was wrong or was all about the "dog-disturbance. What disturbance. No barking, No yelling, no noise, just tears crying out to my Lord - I wasn't in the main sanctuary. Caring for my soul....ok, eventually turned into this big unnecessary ordeal and as soon as you know it two police officers are standing over my right shoulder....

But praise God, the Great Energy has been teaching me when to speak and when to not speak so I kept my silence during this whole ordeal [at the appropriate times] and quietly left.

What happen to the caring of my soul in this situation?

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